Physical Changes in Puberty

The arrival of puberty is a very important stage in a child's growing life. This time brings many physical and mental changes which can make any young man or girl restless. But the right guidance and emotional support go a long way in getting through this time.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultant in Indore, Dr. Hema Jajoo says – “Puberty is a natural process in which the body of a child is transformed into a young man or woman. But many children are completely unaware of this process, which makes it difficult for them to adapt to the changes happening at that time.

That is why it is important that children are made aware of the changes in puberty at the right time so that they can accept them properly. And in this parents play an important role.

So let's know more deeply about the process of this change –

Puberty is the process in which a child's reproductive organs are fully developed and capable of reproduction.

“In simple words, puberty is such a stage in which such changes take place in the body of a child that transforms him into a young man or woman”, says Dr. Hema Jajoo.

Age at which puberty starts

Dr. Hema Jajoo says – “Usually puberty starts at the age of 11 in girls and at the age of 12 in boys. But this age group is not necessarily the same for all children. Don't panic if your child shows signs of puberty before or after their classmates. This is a very common thing. Every child reaches the stage of puberty according to his time. The onset of puberty is around 8 to 14 years of age. But it doesn't come all at once. There are many stages of puberty that gradually bring changes in the body. Some changes appear sooner and some later.

Physical Changes in Girls in Puberty

  • Breast development
  • Hair growth in underarms and private parts
  • Growth spurt
  • Onset of Menstruation

Menstruation, or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month, your body prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus, or womb, sheds its lining. The menstrual blood is partly blood and partly tissue from inside the uterus.

Contact the best gynecologist in Indore for puberty related issues.


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